Loot Tables - Muuns

Muun on WoM will have 5 Categories:
💰 Zen Increase + 20%
💰 Repair Cost Discount + 65%
🛡️ Defense
⚡ Elemental Defense
⚔️ Excellent Damage
🗡️ Critical Damage

Normal Muuns can be used at level 400 and above
👉 Can be hunted from maps Ferea +
👉 1 Muun from each category will be given for FREE from Journey
👉 Stats: 250 Def / 200 Ele Def / 200 Crit Dmg / 200 Exc Dmg

Evo Muuns can be used at level 850 and above
👉 Exclusively obtained from Moss Gambler Lottery
👉 Stats: 500 Def / 400 Ele Def / 400 Crit Dmg / 400 Exc Dmg

❗ Muuns can also be purchased from xShop if you don't wish to grind. ❗